Friday, January 28, 2011

Egypt, the First Country to Block the Internet

Egypt has shut down all Internet Service Providers, save their Stock Exchange. They have not released a statement as to why. How do you think this will effect their country, suddenly banning a tool/toy which has been used for such a long time and by a broad demographic?

Ashley Mitchell


  1. That is one of the most ridiculous thing one leader could do to his country. All of those people that rely on the internet to do commerce are now forced to use alter means. Ridiculous!

    Chris Mugavero

  2. I find it really intriguing as to why no reason was given to the public for the shut down. It will be interesting to see what will happen to all the people now without jobs, plus all the revenue lost from clients purchasing products/services off of websites from an entire country that is now "off-line". I hope everything gets resolved soon, as we all know how crucial the internet is in our lives these days.

    -Cassy Crow

  3. This amazing that the all internet service has been shut down. The 82-year-old Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was not wanting to set down from power. Imagine if our internet service in the United States was shut down, and how it would affect our nation! Here is a link that I located about Egypt.

    Mary Fatigato

  4. It's pretty insane how they are trying to suppress the will of the people. I heard now that the government is sending secret government agents to incite the crowds and force the peaceful protesters to get violent. It is a shame that Mubarak's solution to stay in power is to suppress freedom of information and exploit unyielding military force. If he doesn't leave office soon, we might be looking at another Tienanmen Square.

    Chris Johnson
