Monday, January 24, 2011

I believe Bulletstorm is going to tank

This game looks, in my opinion, just awful. The whole game seems to be centered around just "cool" ways to kill enemies and completely avoids the actual story of the game. The fact that they keep pushing "cool" weapons and "awesome" kill shots down your throat proves they have nothing else to offer you in the game.

_Joe Tegeler

1 comment:

  1. To be fair to games in general, and Bulletstorm, the point of video games and any hobby is the enjoyability or entertainment value of it. Not many games have great stories, but then again that is what movies are for. Games are more interactive and therefore can't give you an intricate story all the time that engulfs you. Not all games are bad at story but before saying a game is going to tank because of a weak story isn't being fair to how good the game actually is as a whole.
