Sunday, January 23, 2011

Toy Story 3 - Best Picture?

Toy Story 3 does have potential to win the Oscar for Best Picture, but this article states that it wont win. I disagree, although it may not win, it does deserve great appreciation. I really enjoyed the movie and I beleive Pixar created their best work ever.


  1. Not a big movie buff, but I do believe that animation doesn't get the recognition it deserves. There should be more animated films that receive awards. Still think Wall-E is one of the best films of all time.

  2. Although I'm not sure that this movie will win best picture, it is a great movie and probably the best of the three. However, my favorite Animated films of all time are Wall-E, Hercules, and The Emperor's New Grove. these movies are hilarious!

    Chris Johnson

  3. I loved Toy Story 3 so so much. It might win Best Picture but I doubt it will. The movie was so amazing though.
