Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Are you tired of giving your email away?

Spambox creates an email address for you to use. You can use this email for websites or when you are buying something at a store that send you things you do not want. You can set this address to delete everything every hour or whatever time frame you want.

_Joe Tegeler


  1. Never heard of it, but it's a fantastic idea! Awesome that you can set whatever time frame you like. I'm definitely going to check it out, thank you!
    -Cassy Crow

  2. This sounds great, now they just need to make one for fake phone numbers as well.

    --Alex Gord

  3. i agree with Alex. That would be nice. I hate giving out my phone number yet for my job we have to ask for the customers all the time and they always get mad at me :(
