Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Broad Band Access

President Obama is pledging to extend broad-band internet to 98 percent of the country, specifically targeting rural areas that don't traditionally have access. He claims this will create of 5000 new jobs and will help the flow of information,thus helping re-education the population and that in turn will create jobs. I think its a noble cause to help the free flow of information. I'm just not so sure this will actually be achievable considering our polarized political climate, but my fingers are crossed.

Chris Johnson


  1. I'm curious to know how much of the country is without broad-band access. Hopefully it works out.

  2. My boyfriend can't even use XBOX live at his house because the internet is completely worthless in that area. I bought him a 1 yr subscription and he can only use it at my house. :(

    Dori Rivera
