Monday, February 7, 2011


Fangoria has the details on the special edition Blu-Ray release of the Grindhouse double feature from directors Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. What's special about this release is not only the special features, but the theatrical presentation of the double feature. Consider this the one time to be excited about the theatrical version of a movie.

Cara Ferguson


  1. seeing this movie in theaters was one of the best theater going experiences i have ever had. it was so much fun. the movies were great and the fake trailers were hilarious. two movies for the price of one? awesome. i wish more theaters would still have double features. When i saw it i saw it in a really crappy and run down theater too, so that just added to the whole experience. i remember the bathroom floor was covered in urine...

  2. i watched Planet of Terror the other night after you told me about the GrindHuouse movies. I have to say it was FREAKIN AMAZING. I havent seen a movie that good in awhile. there was alot of unnecessary gore but I loved it. :)
