Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just keep Stumbling.

Everybody already knows about stumble upon, or at lest I'm pretty sure everybody already knows about it. It is a really good way to find what your interested in in a very short amount of time. I am pretty much addicted to it at the moment cause it really opens your eyes to how vast the internet is and how many interesting things are out there.

_Joe Tegeler


  1. Don't necessarily presume everyone knows about something just because you do. This is the first I had heard about it. I was excited when I read your description, but I was a little disappointed. Unless I am doing something wrong, I feel like I have no control over what I look at although the few pages I have seen have been interesting.

  2. Stumble Upon is a great time killer! I can find many websites i had no idea existed and read things i never knew could exist. Thanks for linking it its about time i got stumbling again.

  3. Stumbleupon when used with the topics you are looking for can lead you to some great websites. I actually used it to find some of the resources I used for this blog.
