Monday, March 14, 2011


I saw Rango in the theatre yesterday, and it was GREAT. The animation was fantastic, and I laughed so hard I cried. Gore Verbinski's approach at "emotion capture" was clearly a great idea.

Cara Ferguson


  1. In my opinion the quality of animations has been going up recently. However the quality of the story is always as good as the animation. I am glad to hear the story of this is as good of quality of the animation.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can't wait to see this. I think it looks so fantastic. I love the idea of emotion capture!

    Nicole Mason

  4. i really want to see this flick too. i have heard that there are supposed to be some loose references to hunter s. thompson (just look at the main character) so that should be pretty neat to see. especially in a kids flick

  5. The animation was really something truly incredible. The story could of been a little more tight but overall it was a entertaining movie.
