Sunday, January 9, 2011

Are all of you ready for class?

Welcome class, this will be part of your quarter long assignment, to post to this blog twice, yes twice a week.  The end of our week is Sunday Midnight.  So you have the whole week to find an interesting topic (topic must be web based) that is related to your major.

Each post will contain the following:

A brief summary of the site or a summary of a particular article in the site. The summary will be to the point and be grammatically correct, yes that means you need to check your spelling also.

Summary length must be three sentences minimum in length to acquire the maximum points.

The link to the site must also be present with the post.

Your signature is also required to receive any points, no signature no points!

You will also have to participate with a fellow classmate or myself, once per week.


  1. I am not logged in CHRIS JOHNSON

  2. This is a great site to visit in Chicago. My husband’s family owns the studio, and a lot of great movies have been filmed at Chicago Studio City. The movie industry started in Chicago, and is becoming strong once again. Enjoy the website!

