Monday, February 28, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2

This is a trailer for Kung Fu Panda 2, which comes out on May 26th of this year.  The first Kung Fu Panda was great; it had a great cast, a great storyline, and many laughs.  I'm very excited for this movie and I hope they make it a lot like the first one with a new story of course.

_Dan Dziurgot

Captain America: The First Avenger

This is the next movie introducing one of the main heroes that is part of the Avengers team.  This movie comes out in July and is based on Marvel's Captain America character.  I am interested to see what they do with this movie; it could either be awesome like Iron Man or fail miserably like the first Hulk movie.

_Dan Dziurgot

Oscar Speech.

This is by far my favorite speech. It is when Sally Field won for Places In The Heart. It has the infamous line said by Sally, "You like me, you really like me!". This speech is adorable and emotional. Plus she is one of my favorite actress ever!

Nicole Mason

This Blows My Other Post Out of the Water.

Design and Ingenuity is a big part on how you make sales. I believe this will do very well on the market because of these aspects. It is well designed, it is practical, it is not overcomplicated, and that is why I think this product will sell very well.

_Joe Tegeler

Creative Designs

I am not sure how well this keyboard will do on the market. However it is a very creative twist on an old idea. All I know is that I want this keyboard.

_Joe Tegeler

Music Video Fail

For anyone interested in music video production, this video is an example of what not to do! It also speaks to a broader point about rappers faking it before they make it.

Chris Johnson

Oscar Speech.

I thought it would be a cool idea to post my all time two favorite Oscars speeches since they were just on last night. This is when Tom Hanks won for Philadelphia. It is an amazing and emotional speech. And it is my second favorite speech.

Nicole Mason


This sight has a vast collection of podcast for every type of person. Its a great sight for those looking to learn the different styles of podcast recording. Some audio production and video production students could use this information. This sight is great for me because I can use to get ideas and concepts for my audio classes.

Chris Johnson

Disney Magic

Follow the link to hear Disney Sound Engineers walk through the process of creating the sound features for Disneyland. Having been there myself, I loved figuring out where the speakers are and how many I thought were there. It's an entertaining look into the process.

- Ashley Mitchell

Sunday, February 27, 2011

More Oscars

I was very happy Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland was recognized for Best Art Direction and Costume Design. It was definitly my favorite movie the past year because of the great CGI, story, and charm. Toy Story 3 won Best Animated Film. It was also nominated for Best Picture, which the nomination was well deserved. Inception also caught a few awards which I personally beleive it deserved more.
-Austin S


The Oscars were on tonight, which has been very anticitpated this year due to all the phenominal films released. The King's Speech won Best Picture, with Colin Firth and Natalie Portman catching the Best Actor/Actress categories.
-Austin S

127 Hours

I don't really know too much about this movie besides what I have seen in the trailer.  Is this based on a true story or is this something that is made up?  I think I'm going to check this movie out because it seems interesting and James Franco is a decent actor.

_Dan Dziurgot

Hangover 2

This is the sequel to the first hangover, which comes out very soon.  It has all the original cast in the first movie, which will help sell the movie.  However, I am curious to see if they can succeed in making a second funny hangover movie.

_Dan Dziurgot

What's the cost?

Have you ever wonder how much or what it takes to film in the city of Chicago? Well I was wondering that very same thing until I came across this website that tells you what the rates are as well as what permits are needed to film. But that's not all this website also has film festivals informations as well as film organizations. I found this site to be very helpful.

Chris Mugavero

And the winner is

Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to watch the awards that took place today, but being a film major only thought it would only be appropriate that I at least see who won. So I found a website that has all of the nomination and winners on their page

Chris mugavero

Blingee Photo Editing- non professional

I have used this site for years. I would not recommend it for professional photo work but it is a fun boredom killer. There is also a Blingee Plus that you can download with more features.

Jen Fowler


This site was created by gamers for gamers and they could not of been more closer to the truth. This site has tons of video game news and its update constantly. They got anything and everything you could possibly want out of a gaming site so what are you waiting for.

Matthew Ruby

Just Achieve It!

Ever want to make your own Xbox 360 achievement? Well now's your chance thanks to this neat little site. Simply create a name and give it score and you instantly have your own personalized achievement.

Matthew Ruby

a life saving app?

This mag light flashlight app is seriously a lifesaver. After being stranded on i90 at night with a flat tire with no street lights I am so glad i have this app. It is a very bright light that comes from the camera flash.

Jen Fowler

Waiting for Superman

I personally have watched this movie and it was actually very insightful. The American education system is alot worse off than i had thought. I strongly recommend this movie.

Jen Fowler


This site has a lot of fun unique textures, a lot of which I have used personally. They are all free but you can only download 20 textures per day or you will be blocked out and have to buy the remainder for that day. I 100% recommend the site.

Jen Fowler

Amazing Audio Illusions

This website features 10 illusions using sound. #5 is my favorite. It shows an awesome technique using two separate microphones to create the illusion of space around the listener.

--Alex Gord

Are you worthy?

This is a great site if you are needing creative inspiration. It is a contest site for people to enter their best work. Whether you are a photoshopper, a photographer, an illustrator or a writer, check this out and see if your work is worthy.

Sandy Fox

Looking for free webtemplates?

This is a great site for free web templates. They have them broken down in several categories to make it easier to find what you are looking for. If you are willing to spend a little money they break them down into more specific categories to make it even easier.

Sandy Fox

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Just in case you need another reason to play video games...

This video explains how video games can be a good thing and actually help us all in the long run. It sounds too good to be true, but if you watch the whole thing, it all makes sense. I think she makes some very good points.

--Alex Gord

New Final Cut Pro 64 bit Landing Spring 2011

Word has it that New Final Cut Pro 64 bit Landing Spring 2011 will be available. The new final Cut Pro will support 64 bit systems, and this is the first time in over ten years that their has been an overhaul with the product. The Original version was created over ten years ago.

Mary Fatigato

How to Make Movies on a Computer

This site has some information on How to Make Movies on a Computer. You can click on a number of links, and view, and learn about how to filmmaking tips. This site is only a quick over view for someone interest in filmmaking.

Mary Fatigato

Friday, February 25, 2011

three point lighting

This video gave the basic run-down of the three point lighting set-up. It explains the key light, fill light, back light, where they should be placed and also the effect they have on your actor. Even though this video wasn't made all that well (and the music is terrible!), I think I learned more from it than the lighting class I'm currently taking.
-Cassy Crow

Crunching depth of field

This video gave two great examples of deceptive camera angles that you can use to really pull the audience in. The first was a woman getting hit by a car, even though in real life she was far from the vehicle. The other was tips on how to shoot a fight scene, and although it wasn't the greatest video these are tips I would definitely love to try out.
-Cassy Crow

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Broad Band Access

President Obama is pledging to extend broad-band internet to 98 percent of the country, specifically targeting rural areas that don't traditionally have access. He claims this will create of 5000 new jobs and will help the flow of information,thus helping re-education the population and that in turn will create jobs. I think its a noble cause to help the free flow of information. I'm just not so sure this will actually be achievable considering our polarized political climate, but my fingers are crossed.

Chris Johnson

Final Cut Pro 7

Final Cut Pro 7 is the latest film and sound editing software for macs. It is the best program for editing and compiling video and soundtracks. I use it all the time, specifically with soundtrack editing and for editing projects for school. Anyone looking to learn how to be a professional studio editor, check it out!!

Chris Johnson

Google is on top deal with it Bing

Google caught Bing stealing its search results. Google will always be on top search engine wise and Bing tried to catch up the lazy way. You don't mess with the top dog Bing.

_Joe Tegeler

Are you tired of giving your email away?

Spambox creates an email address for you to use. You can use this email for websites or when you are buying something at a store that send you things you do not want. You can set this address to delete everything every hour or whatever time frame you want.

_Joe Tegeler


Hey Classmates,
With the android market starting to surpass the iPhone market I felt i should let you guys know about a fun app to pass the time. NESoid is a application that allows you to play old nintendo games on your android phone. Some cost money but this one does not. the downer to this is that the lite version won't let you save your progress in the games you are playing so if you are an avid gamer such as myself spend the 3-4 bucks for the full version and let your productivity fall through the floor. This one is for super nintendo but there are other for other systems...
  1. psx4droid (a Playstation one emulator)
  2. Tiger FC/NES Emulator v1.0.8 (a super nintendo emulator, FREE FULL VERSION)
  3. Wiimote controller ( a wii controller app that lets you use a wii controller to play the games on your phone via bluetooth. There are restrictions to which phones this is compatable with, ex. Galaxy S phones and as far as I could tell all samsung phones, I know for a fact wont work because that is what I have.)
Enjoy and tell your friends
Nicholas Bennett

Photoshop ideas, and techniques

I use this website for ideas, and to learn new techniques. I don't use it all the time, but use it enough to help me with my Image Manipulation class. It could help you one day.

Zach Zitkus

911 Calls Dropped

During a blizzard in Maryland thousands of people attempted to call emergency services. However, their calls were dropped. 10,000 calls to be exact.

-Ashley Mitchell

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Re-Imagined Movie Posters - Which One is your Favorite?

Just another example of how typography can be art. Designer Jared Gibson takes some of his favorite movies and recreates the posters using minimal graphics and a lot of type. You can even order a print of your favorite to tack up on your wall.

- Elisa Greco

Monday, February 21, 2011

27 Sequels in 2011, The Most Ever

Is there no room for originality in Hollywood anymore? I don't know, but this article kinda makes me think so. Are 27 sequels necessary? Again, i dont know but I'm kinda biased because i cant wait to see Big Mommas House 3. kidding, I'm kidding...

Sean Paulish

350 Textures

No one wants to sit online browsing textures for an hour. If you are a designer, bookmark this website! There are tons of high resolution images split into categories, (such as: grunge, paper, fabric, wood, patterns, etc) making it easy to find exactly what designs you are looking for.

Dori Rivera

Why Is Rob Zombie Still Allowed to Make Movies?

Rob Zombie is out hyping up his next flick, "The Lords of Salem", which is about the Salem witch trials or something. i used to like his music but this guys movies all suck really really bad and his comics are so awful they are practically unreadable. His Halloween remake was so terrible i didn't even bother to check out the 2nd one...

Sean Paulish

Red Sonja Back On Track

Exciting news for this Red Sonja fan. The new movie, which has been stalled in pre-production for the last 3 years, has finally been given new blood with a new director and star. Simon West (Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and The Mechanic) will be directing, and newcomer Amber Heard (Drive Angry) will get the title role.

Cara Ferguson

"What's Good Should Also Be What's Commercial"

For the first time in at least a decade, this year's Best Picture nominees are making money. Two of them were the year's biggest films, Inception and Toy Story 3, 5 more have passed the $85 million mark, with 3 of those well on their way to passing $100. Adult audiences have spoken, according to the LA Times, and they're saying they want more story driven films available to them.

Cara Ferguson

Color Trends

A post featuring lots of examples of current color trends in the design world and how they differ from coast to coast. *Hint* Brown is the new black! If you're not into color, there are a lot of pictures and some great illustrations to get inspiration from.

- Elisa Greco

Sunday, February 20, 2011


IMDbpro is a website for people in the film-making industry and for people trying to get into the film-making industry.  The website costs about fifteen dollars per month, but includes the contact information for over 80,000 actors, directors, and producers.  The membership also includes over 30,000 company's employee contact details in the industry.

_Dan Dziurgot


I watched the trailer for this movie and was really impressed by how exciting this thriller looks.  I'm expecting a very solid story with some unique plot twists that will carry the story throughout.  I was very impressed with Taken, which was one of Liam Neeson's latest movies, so I'm excited to see his next action movie.

_Dan Dziurgot is an interesting website with tutorials and resources for many different mediums from games to digital painting. Forcg also showcases some amazing artwork on their website. With drop down menus you can find what you're looking for quickly.

Matt S.

Mental Floss: Giving your mind knowledge is a website that has a collection of quotes. It also has a magazine portion and trivia on the site as well. Well designed and worth checking out if you want to learn something.

Matt S.

Slow Down to Speed

For those that like to capture things at a slower pace. I found this website and found it interesting that someone can special order a camera to fit their needs, depending on what they need it for. If one wants they can special order a camera that can film at 500 fps and capture something amazing in slow motion.

Chris Mugavero

3D Acheivement Awards

We saw many 3D movies in theaters this past year, but few stand out as the bes of the year. Alice in Wonderland won Outstanding Acheivment in 2D to 3D Conversion. Tron: Legacy won best 3D feature, and Tangled took best 3D scene. What about Resident Evil: Afterlife? It had one of the best 3D visuals and special effects of the year.

Sanctum 3D - Disapointing

The new film with James Cameron's name plastered all over it, 'Sanctum' fails to live up to anything you;d expect from him. Terrible acting, flat characters, bland dialogue, terrible CGI and special effects, and $16 thrown into wasting 2 hours of your time. I would not reccomend this movie to anyone. Did anyone else see it an ahve any bad opinions? Good opinions?

Who knows?

I was searching through google the other day and came across this site. I read through it and most of it to be basic video technics, but the more you read the more indef it becomes. I thought this site is helpful and I hope to all that view it find it the same way.

Chris Mugavero

Simpsons Episodes

Do you like the Simpsons. . . of course you do. The Simpsons have 400 something episodes to date and that numbers only increasing. Watch any episode you want thanks to this fantastic fan site.

The Escapist

Got a itch for a humorous review of a specific game or just want some up to date video game news? Head over to The Escapist for both of these and more. If your just looking to kill some time or just wanna watch the daily drop then this sites perfect for you.

Friday, February 18, 2011

1 Million Color Palettes...and counting

I found out about colourlovers through twitter. It's a useful website that has great color combos for design projects as well as patterns. The patterns are a bit basic, but the color combinations are fantastic.

- Elisa Greco

Dragon Voice Recognition Software

The Dragon Voice Recognition Software is a great tool to use if you are writing a movie script. This allows you the choice of speaking with your voice, and documenting what you want to say faster than typing. When Writing a movie script sometime we speak faster then we type.

Mary Fatigato

Steps in Movie Making

This looks like a good link to check out if you are looking for the steps on how to make a movie. Other information that you would find within the link is how to become a movie producer. You need to consider many steps when creating a movie.

Mary Fatigato

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Confused about em dashes and primes?

Do you know when to use a hypen, an em dash, quotations and primes? You may not think this is that important, but I just heard about two people who didn't get a job because they did not use these correctly in their portfolio. Secure that job by think with type and checking out this website for your punctuation questions and more.

Sandy Fox

Are you familiar with Lynda?

If you are not familiar with it is a website loaded with tutorials of all kinds. There is a fee to fully benefit from these, but the nice thing is that if the tutorial is underlined you can watch it for free. If you are new to Dreamweaver like I am you may find their tutorials are helpful.

Sandy Fox

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Voting Nun

While looking through one of my magazines for our last assignment, I came across this unlikely pairing: Actress/nun. After only six years and ten films, and joining the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Dolores Hart retired from acting and joined a convent. Dolores still sends her votes to the Academy for acting and best picture categories, and you can get the scoop at

Cara Ferguson

Hide and Seek

This is probably my favorite song of Imogen Heap. I love the music video so much. It is just so simple yet gorgeous.

Nicole Mason

Just keep Stumbling.

Everybody already knows about stumble upon, or at lest I'm pretty sure everybody already knows about it. It is a really good way to find what your interested in in a very short amount of time. I am pretty much addicted to it at the moment cause it really opens your eyes to how vast the internet is and how many interesting things are out there.

_Joe Tegeler

Computers on your wrist?

This is Sony's new concept for a computer that fits on your wrist. I think it is an interesting idea that can do very well in the market. However, they are going to have a lot of trouble with this product I'm sure.

The Scientist

This is my favorite Coldplay song and music video. It is probably one of my favorite music videos ever too. The concept is so creative. And I really love music videos that tell a story.

Nicole Mason

50 Awesome Examples of Typography

Something as simple as text can be used as an art form called Typography. Use your creativity and you can make beautiful graphics using different words, colors, fonts, spacing, size style, images, whatever you want.. These are 50 amazing examples of typography for your own inspiration.

Dori Rivera

50 Epic Fashionable Websites

This blog defines "high-fashion" as taking things over the edge; you want to get people's attention and spark interest in the clothing line. This can be done easily with a professionally designed website. It is important to use a mix of quality photography, marketing strategy, and effective design in order to create a great a fashion website.

Dori Rivera

Free EBooks That Don't Suck

Usually, when I hear the word "free" I assume the product is usually garbage or there is something wrong with it. This is not the case for WDL's 10 Free Ebook's for Web Designers. Available to read online or download a PDF, this is a great resource for students who are on a budget looking to learn more about design.

- Elisa Greco

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Texturize your Images!!!!!

CHECK THIS OUT!!! For all of you photoshoppers and illustrators this is a really cool site that gives you large format images of great textures to use in your projects. It requires a sign up and you have a minimum amount file downloads but it's really great if used wisely.

Nicholas Bennett


Hey guys. I found a great site that helps create color swatches for digital imaging and adobe design suite software. It's pretty dope. You can even download a photo and it designs a color scheme based on the photo. It's a beta program right now but once it's generated over one million users they will probably start charging for it.

Nicholas Bennett

Basic Color Temperature and other tips

I found this site helpful for my other class since we are required to take a lot of photographs, and I am a video student who has not had much experience in photography. It breaks down the theory behind color temperature, talks about white balance, and how to make an accurate color balance selection. It also goes into detail about white balance and RAW, dealing with mixed lighting, and gives tips for color correction.

-Cassy Crow

Internet Movie Database

This site was very helpful, especially for my Media Theory and Criticism class which is where I found out about it. They always have the top box office info and top movie lists. There's also information on TV, News, Video,an independent film section, award nominations, and more.

-Cassy Crow

Monday, February 14, 2011

Oprah TV

This sight is awesome for all you Oprah fans. She is an unstoppable force to be reckoned with! I love this sight and all the information on it because it lets you navigate deeper into Oprah-land. The video section is cool because it shows you personal stories and interactions with real people during their day to day lives. It's a great insight into the inner workings of a full network, dealing with TV, movies, magazines, web, radio, and much more.

Chris Johnson

Best Cinematography 2011

This is a cool sight for predicting who will win the best cinematography in 2011. Its nice because it lists all of the top contending movies. It also gives you information about the films so you can watch them and judge the cinematography for yourselves. I must agree with the predicted winner, Inception. It's a great movie and really pushes the fold on how cinematography all comes together.

Chris Johnson

Who Doesn't Love Commando?

This is a video of a small child in Africa explaining the plot of Arnold Schwarzenegger's magnum opus Commando. I don't know why, but i found this to be hilarious. I have seen this movie probably 50 times but this kids passion for the movie is so contagious i feel like i gotta go home and watch it again as soon as possible...

Uganda’s greatest action filmmaker is back!

this is a trailer for what will probably go down in history as the greatest Ugandan action film ever made. it looks so cheap but they obviously put a lot of effort into it. This movie had to be a blast to make...

Web Design Resource

This website is a simple resource that can teach just about anyone who wants tocreate a website. It has tutorials and images for more experienced designers. I find this site to be more for the beginners not for the more professional.

Zach Zitkus

Failing Hard Drives

Recently, I have bought a new computer thinking that it would help me do my projects for school. I found out that the computer I obtained has a failing hard drive. This website explains why they fail, and has links on how to reapair them.

Zach Zitkus

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hollywood Entertainment Breaking News

Hollywood Entertainment Breaking News has information about studios, producers, directors, actors and movies. Showing Oscar nominees, and current pilot information first hand. You can also sign up for breaking news to be sent to you from this website.

Mary Fatigato

50 Best Websites for Moviemaker 2009

50 Best Websites for Moviemakers is a great site to visit for someone that is interested in making movies. The links and information is countless that you find. The most up to date information in the film industry is available here.

Mary Fatigato

Justin Bieber Movie

What has the music business come to these days? Justin Bieber? What happened to groups like the beatles or led zeppelin? I don't understand the hype behind this kid; yeah he can sing, but so can everybody else.  I think that this is all a publicity stunt to make more money hence the movie.

_Dan Dziurgot 

X-Men First Class

I have always enjoyed watching the X-Men movies, I think that they were well made.  I especially liked the X-Men Origins Wolverine movie that was released after the main series.  If they make this movie anything like the Wolverine spin off it could be very successful.  I'm more curious to see how Xavier and Magneto hold up as lead roles in this movie.

_Dan Dziurgot

Beautiful Type Through CSS

It's no secret that I absolutely love typography. When I'm looking at other people's sites I always wonder how they did certain things to type- is it a photo or is it just done with simple coding? This site shows examples of extraordinary type and the actual code to do it.

- Elisa Greco

U.S. Government proposes bill to veto domain names

Should our government be allowed the opportunity to veto domain names? I do not think they should and that we should be sure that our state representatives know this. Follow the link for a summary of the bill and to read the official proposal.

-Ashley Mitchell

25 tutorials for getting started in web design

I came across this site and i had to bookmark it right away. This is a site of 25 tutorials to get you started with web design. I was so excited when i fond this. It has been a great help.
Jen Fowler

Smashing Magazine

I came across this site while looking for a magazing to use for a project. This site has been very helpful and it cover just about everything from graphics to coding to typography. this site by far has been the most helpful.
Jen Fowler

Seedy Search Engine Optimization

Retailer JCPenny was recently caught "cheating" with their SEO tactics. They manually created false content on spam sites to give them the top spot on search terms on Google. What Bad Bad Boys you are JCPenny!

-Ashley Mitchell

Go pro or go home

Like most film enthusist I like getting the that impossible shot, Well things just got easier thanks to my new Gopro Hero camera. These camera are so badass that they allow you to get shots that you couldn't get with that fragile DSLR camera. according to the website these cameras are bomb proof and waterproof, which is good while I take this camera out on the slopes I don't have to worry about breaking it then.

Chris Mugavero

A new addition to the family

For those of you that use DSLR camera to film, because Canon has just introduced a new memeber to it's family. The Canon Rebel T3I, which is a cross between their famous and professional 7D and the affordable T2I. This new camera has the added feature of a swievel LCD screen as well as a new processor in it.

Chris Mugavero

Friday, February 11, 2011

Web Writing

What I like about this article is that it covers writing rules as well as rules that have changed for the web. One space or two after a period, also do you use a comma or not, but wait, do you use an apostrophe or capitalize? Read on to find the answers to these and more.

Sandy Fox

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Puzzled About the Font to Use?

I thought this was a great article about picking the correct font. It is laid out in 5 easy steps. I love how they categorize the different font families and the visuals are helpful.

Sandy Fox

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

50 3D Creative Cartoon Creatures

Here is a variety of different interesting 3D cartoon characters for your own inspiration. Most of these characters were created using 3D design programs, but some with other applications. I have only used a 3D program once or twice, so I cannot imagine how much time and effort some of these characters took. Enjoy!

Dori Rivera

The Ferris Bueller Fight Club Theory

What if Ferris Bueller was just a figment of Cameron's imagination just like Tyler Durden in Fight Club? I am very confident that this was not John Hughes intention at all when he made the movie. It sounds nuts and doesn't really hold up that well, but this article is an entertaining read and fun to think about.

Sean Paulish

I'm Pretty Sure I'm Moving To Thailand

Some guy in Thailand created a religion based around The Dude from The Big Lebowski. It sounds completely ridiculous, yet incredibly awesome at the same time. I wonder what the Coen Brothers would think about this...

Sean Paulish

Good Microphones

This sight is great for people looking to record audio and need good quality microphones for a decent price. This sight is easy to navigate and has a variety of information on all types of microphones. Whether you are recording vocals for a song, recording sound effects in a foley set for films, recording musical instruments, or need mics for interviews, this sight has just what you need.

Chris Johnson

Sketch A Day

This website uploads a new sketch each day for the public. It is a great way to get inspiration or learn about other people's style. I think daily sketches would be a perfect way to improve your own technique, so this is something I might consider doing.

Dori Rivera

Monday, February 7, 2011


Fangoria has the details on the special edition Blu-Ray release of the Grindhouse double feature from directors Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. What's special about this release is not only the special features, but the theatrical presentation of the double feature. Consider this the one time to be excited about the theatrical version of a movie.

Cara Ferguson

Nintendo 3ds

Now in my opinion Nintendo's newest game station, the Wii, tanked. However, Nintendo has always dominated the portable market. With this new portable it will certainly stay that way.

_Joe Tegeler

Resumes are very Important

Portfolios can get you far when looking for a job. However, you will also need a resume to give you that extra step in obtaining that job. Every company will ask for your resume and here are some tips on writing it.

_Joe Tegeler

Trampoline anyone?

This place is a great way to burn off energy,time or anger. Basically, this place offers many jumping areas that are determined by age, and the activity. They have a foam diving area, and offer a dodgeball everyday!

Zach ZItkus

Samsung Galaxy Tab

I sawmany commercials about the Samsung Galaxy Tab. One of the commercials had the main character reading a abook about getting out of conformity when everyone else had i-Pod ear buds in. Eventhough the idea to make it seem different was there, it stiil used the same Apple "touch and do," format.

Zach Zitkus

Note: I couldn't find the commercial I saw, so I found a review instead. Sorry

Actor's Studio

This show is great because if gives the viewer a close view into an actors thought process. This particular clip if from one of the greatest actors of all time, Robert de Niro. Throughout the clip he talks about a whole range of topics that led him through his dynamic and ever evolving career. Watch how he balances humor with humility and gracefully charms the viewers. For any aspiring actor out there, or anyone looking to learn how actors think (in terms of gathering data for movie making), this is a great clip.

Chris Johnson

Spelling is Easy! Seriously!

You could be the best designer in the world, but if you can't spell, no one is going to take anything you say seriously. This hilarious and easy to read guide from designer Paddy Donnelly provides an informative account on how to tell the difference between there, their, and they're as well as other commonly misused words. There is even a handy print out version you can print and stick on your desk!

*Warning* There is a bit of crude language used.

- Elisa Greco

Sunday, February 6, 2011


this is one of my favorite movie websites because it makes fun of Hollywood and basically just rips em a new one with almost every post. its hilarious and a little raunchy at times, but if you are into that kinda thing check it out. it's awesome because they are totally spot on with all of their criticisms

Sean Paulish

captain america super bowl ad

this is the ad for the upcoming captain america flick and i think it looks pretty neat. i hated the idea of chris evans playing cap originally but this looks pretty sweet. joe johnston is directing and he made the rocketeer all those years ago and i love that flick, so heres to hoping that cap is at least decent...

Sean Paulish

Coming Soon

Coming Soon is a website that posts new information on movies yet to be released and rumored as well. The layout is simple and is easy to navigate. Plus being online gives it the benefit of getting updated without having to wait for monthly magazines.

Matt S.

Web Design Library

Web Design library is a website dedicated to helping people interested in doing web design. They have resources and graphics and tutorials for web designers. Its definitely a site worth checking out.

Matt S.

A Guide to Web Typography

There are an infinite number of typefaces to choose from these days but which ones are the best for the web? At, they've broken down the key items for what to look for when designing your site. Really simple rules that a lot of people forget to follow.

- Elisa Greco

Spiderman Reboot

For some reason a lot of remakes and reboots of franchises have been surfacing, which worries me for the future of filmmaking.  This is a link to the spiderman reboot IMDB page; even though I really did like the first two spiderman movies, I am very interested to see what they are going to differently this time around.  I really like movies where they show the formation of the hero, so this is one thing I look forward to seeing again in this new movie.

_Dan Dziurgot

World War Z Movie

Max Brooks is well known for his accomplishments in writing very entertaining books on zombies. When I saw that a movie could possibly be made based on one of his books, World War Z, I was very excited because Max Brooks knows how to do zombies very well.  I will be very excited to compare this movie if it is made to some of George A. Romero's zombie films.

_Dan Dziurgot


Go to the theatre or put in a DVD, and somewhere in the credits you will see at least 3 producer credits, and on large budget pictures you will sometimes see 8 or 9 producers. Have you ever wondered what on earth all those producers do? Box Office Magazine helps us understand.

Cara Ferguson

Do's and Dont's for an interview

I totally agree with these, especially the one about asking for the job. I applied a management position at my job and at the end I asked for the job. When i was offered the position by my store my store manager he told me that is what put me above the other 2 employees is that I asked for the job.
Jen Fowler

OPI - the new thing in nail design

I heard about this from a friend and i just thought it was so cool. I couldnt help myself so i went and got this done to my nails. The cool thing about it is that it just cracks on its own.


The site Angenieux is a good site for Optimo Digital Production. With the Angenieus you will have great performance, and range to capture your imagination. Someone interested in motion pictures, surveillance, security lenses, and night vision goggles would enjoy viewing this site.

Mary Fatigato

Citing Your Work

This is a great website for any profession (and anyone in school!). The business world is getting picker about citing work so it doesn't matter what your major, you will be able to use this sight. It is great because you just pick your resource, plug in the information, click the button and presto, the information is in the correct format.

Sandy Fox

American Cinematographer

The American Society of Cinematographer's is a great site for someone to visit if they are wanting to view the latest, and greatest information about what is happening in the movie industry. If you are interested in filming, or photography a link is available to learn from the best in the industry. The site has a place with recent blogs available for viewing.

Mary Fatigato


Looking for that sweet new game to reserve or just seeing what new games in your future then Game Stop has got you covered. Whether your looking for a good deal on old or new games Game Stop easily can help you. Also the fact that stay up to date on all the gaming news that you may not be able to keep with is certainly a plus.

Matthew Ruby

Anime Freak

Got an anime you want to watch but just cant find it? Well let Anime Freak be your guide to any anime you can possibly think of, they will most likely have it. English sub, English dubbed or straight up Japanese pick your viewing pleasure.

Matthew Ruby

The Shawshank Redemption

I don't need to tell you that this is simply one of the best films ever made. This inspiring story is all about how a man had to re-earn his freedom so he could just live his life. That message applies to everyone.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Storyboard Template

I found this site interesting because the creator actually made his own storyboard templates since he didn't find any online that he liked. He put up one for TV, with the boxes in a 4:3 ratio, and the other for film set up 16:9. I love the fact that you can download these free, and he made them blank templates so there isn't any annoying text or anything you don't want printed on them.

-Cassy Crow

Digital Camcorder Reviews

This website was extremely helpful in reviewing different brands of digital camcorders. You are able to browse by brand, read articles, and they even have video segments to watch. I like that they are specific in terms of the pros and cons, along with prices and specifications.

-Cassy Crow

Friday, February 4, 2011

Portfolios are the Key

A portfolio is a representation of all of your proudest work. Having a portfolio that installs great interest is very important for getting the job you want. Therefore, put a lot of effort into your portfolio it will get you a job one day.

_Joe Tegeler

Crysis 2 good or bad?

I downloaded the beta for this game recently. I was really impressed by the graphics and the gameplay. However, this game is really overcomplicated with to many little things you can do that I could not enjoy it.

_Joe Tegeler

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lee Casalena Professional Panoramic Photography

This is an photography portfolio filled with tons of beautiful panoramas. I initially found this photo Full Moon Hike stumbling, and checked out Lee Casalena's portfolio afterwards. Under each photo there is a "View Interactive Version," which allows you to see a 360 degree view of the landscape.

Dori Rivera

30 Creative Packaging Designs

The first thing we see when we look at a product is its package design. This is what makes the product stand out from all of the rest. This site shows a few very creative and inspirational packaging designs - my favorite is the dino! gum.

Dori Rivera

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Writing for the Web

Did you know we read in an F shape and we only read about 20% of what is written on a page? What I like about this resource is that it is based on studies that have been done on how we read. It also gives examples ranging from the worst examples to the best to help us make the right choices on how to write for the web.

Sandy Fox

Script Writing

This sight is great for learning how to craft a script for films. It is very easy and simple to navigate. The sight shows you how to perfect script presentations, plot structures, script format and character development. It is a great starting point for those who don't really know how to start writing film scripts. The only down side on this sight is the annoying adds, but other than that, it has great information.

Chris Johnson