Monday, January 31, 2011

Horror Fans Check Out Dread Central

Dread Central is a great site to find news and reviews of horror films. They even showcase collectable toys like the classic Universal Monsters. Check out Dread Central for news, interviews, forums, reviews and more.

Cara Ferguson

Critiques....Can you handle them?

Critical discussion around design is as important as the design process itself. If you work in a design team, feedback from your colleagues can keep you challenged, and can push you to improve....Read More

Movie Quotes

This is a great sight for all your favorite movie quotes. It is easy to navigate and very self explanatory. I use this sight when I want to find famous quotes or research certain movies to find out how detailed the dialogue is. It is also funny to read some of the ridiculousness that some movies come up with!

Chris Johnson

Legal Rights of Photographers

A PDF file that has useful information regarding rights a photographer has. Including what you can and can't publish using your own photos. Definitely worth a look if you're doing freelance work.

-Elisa Greco

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Oscars - Nominations

Out of the nominees for Best Picture for the Academy Awards, I hope either "Inception" or "Toy Story 3" win the awards. I also Hope Tim Burton's "Alice In Wonderland" takes the award for best Visual Effects and Best Art Direction. I don't understand why "Tron: Legacy" was not nominated for anything especially for the Visual Effects. There should also be a new category possibly named Outsanding Aceivement in 3D.

This Weekend's Box Office

"The Rite" starring Anthony Hopkins comes in 1st with $15.0M. "No Strings Attached" starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher comes in 2nd with $13.7M. Finally, "The Green Hornet" starring Seth Rogan comes in 3rd with $11.5M.

-Austin S

fun and easy brushes

This is a whole website full of fun and easy brushes. These will help you do everything and anything. Im so glad i came across this site. It's a one stop shop :)
Jen Fowler

for your design appetite :)

This site has a lot of really neat textures to choose from. I used a few for a design i did for my sisters birthday and she thought it was just the coolest thing. It is also very easy to use.
Jen Fowler

10 Useful Web Application Interface techniques

This website has many more useful tips than these but this is mostly for interface design on how to make your web applications simpler. With tips like make the controls specialized, and disabling submit buttons after pressed once as not to mess up the forms, these tips are useful for all web designers and people who make applications for the web/mobile devices. I recommend it for any web designer.

Matt S

Web Design Trends for 2011

This website is useful in picking out trends for web design in 2011. Some trends such as HTML5 and designing for mobile devices are sure to come up more. The website also has a clean layout with ads off to the side and bottom as not to interrupt reading.

Matt S

Henry Cavill Is The New Superman

British actor Henry Cavill has been cast as Superman in director Zack Snyder's upcoming Superman film. I liked Brandon Routh as Superman alot in Superman Returns but this guy could be pretty good. I've read that he was up for the lead roles in Batman Begins, Superman Returns and Casino Royale and he lost out on all of them

Sean Paulish

It's time to get cheesy

This is one of the best website for an apiring filmaker, this site helps with trick and tip on filming techniques and equipment.This site also helps with how to make and use camera rigs and dollies. This site also compares the price of equipment and will find the lowest price available.

Chris Mugavero

Another 48 hours

As I was looking through and trying to find a film festival to enter into this year. I found this one called the The Chicago 48 Hour Film Project. What makes this film festival unique is that filmmakers from all across the Chicago land area to compete to see who makes the best movie in 48 hours.

Chris Mugavereo

Saturday, January 29, 2011


This site is just incredible it manages to have news for all the various gaming systems. Whether your looking for Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, DS, Computer or PSP news. This site has up to date story's and news for each and every one so you never fall behind.

Matthew Ruby

Xbox 360 Achievements

Ever wonder what a new game for the Xbox 360's achievements will be? Well I have your answer thanks to Xbox360achievements you can easily find the achievement list and be ready to raise your gamer score. This site is your place to be ready for the achievements for all new games.

Matthew Ruby

lighting in film

Lighting is crucial when you're shooting a film, and I found this site to be helpful for people that are learning the basics. The author goes over hard and soft light, along with pictures so you can actually see the difference between the two. He also talks about color temperature, 3 point lighting (along with how to set it up), what to do when filming outdoors, along with examples and tips of all these listed.

-Cassy Crow

Alfred Hitchcock

I'm sure we've all seen a classic Hitchcock film such as Psycho or The Birds, just to name a few. I found an interesting site that was created by JeffreyMichael Bays, who is a film director and a huge fan of Hitchcock's. He compiled different articles such as "How to Turn Your Boring Movie Into a Hitchcock Thriller" and others that explore the film techniques, suspense, style and camera angles that make Alfred Hitchcock movies so incredible, and how you can incorporate them into your own films.

-Cassy Crow

Friday, January 28, 2011

Egypt, the First Country to Block the Internet

Egypt has shut down all Internet Service Providers, save their Stock Exchange. They have not released a statement as to why. How do you think this will effect their country, suddenly banning a tool/toy which has been used for such a long time and by a broad demographic?

Ashley Mitchell

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Heads of State

My favorite design group,
The Heads of State are known for their silk screen print posters designed for indie rock bands. They combine simple designs with bright colors to make a huge impact. Edgy and raw, The Heads of State are a dynamic group of designers.

- Elisa Greco

Writing Web Content Rules

Reading online is quite different from reading in print. For one, a screen causes concentration problems. Text can be difficult to focus on and flashing banners, bright images, and more can distract from the actual blog content. Another very common problem is the fact that anyone can write and publish on the web, many of whom are not well-versed in common grammatical rules.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Mechanic

This is the new Jason Statham movie coming out this Friday 1/28/11.  This movie looks action packed and seems to have a different take on assassination, which is interesting.  Jason Statham is a great actor that continues to impress me, so if the movie sucks at least we know Statham will be kicking ass or tearing up the streets in a high speed chase.

_Dan Dziurgot

Scream 4

This is the fourth installment to the "Scream" movie franchise and I have to say I'm interested.  The previous three movies had solid stories, so I'm very interested to see what kind of twists and deaths director Wes Craven has in store for the world this time around.  One major plus that will make this movie successful is that they have the majority of the original remaining cast plus a few new faces to add to the obituaries.  4/15/11

_Dan Dziurgot

Modern Ambiguity of The Fold

Today in class we learned about the fold in web sites. This articles discusses the importance of the fold in this age of variable technology and mobility. The examples are fantastic, coupled with visually descriptive photographs.

Ashley Mitchell

Words lie. Your face doesn't.

This promo is about a show called Lie To Me. It follows a Doctor and his team who can read people. It's their job to tell if someone is lying or not. It is a fantastic show on Fox.

Innovative Film

Breathless was a movie made in 1960 and was the first of its kind. Many directors and cinimatographers use this movie as a referance for their own films. It's revolutionary "jump-cut" editing techniques pushed the envelope and changed the way cinema is and will ever be.
Nicholas Bennett

Arcade Fire + Spike Jonze = Awesome

this is a clip for an upcoming movie based on the album "The Suburbs" by Arcade Fire directed by Spike Jonze. It's a great album and Jonze is a really interesting filmmaker. The clip is pretty neat and i can't wait to check out the whole thing.

Sean Paulish

She's armed, he's dangerous.

This is a promo for a tv show called Castle. It is about a writer and his muse. It is funny, clever and just a brilliant show. You should check it out!

Nicole Mason

Morphed pictures, and contests

This website is for pepole who use photoshop, and image manipulation skills to post pictures for contests. Most of these pictures are totally amazing, and create ideas for others who might need some. Take a gander, and be speechless

Zach Zitkus


This is a great site for anyone who uses photoshop. It is an awesome source to acquire free brushes, patterns and textures. They even include a page with prerecorded commands that will allow you to change your image in one step.

Sandy Fox

Double Picture Illusion

Most of us see a man and woman in this illusion. According to research, when children see this photo they notice 9 small dolphins instead of the intimate couple. Since they have no prior association with the act, they are not able to identify the couple.

Dori Rivera

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This is a quick site to look at if you are wondering about lighting techniques for movie making. It is important to have a key light, and a back light on the subject that you are filming. If you are on a open stage in a warehouse you will need a lower grid to hang light from. If your location is on a built set, than you will need to hang the lights about 10 feet from the top of the set.

Mary Fatigato
When Kinect first came out the company introducted a virtual 11 year old boy named Milo. Milo is able to learn, listen and respond to you as an 11 year old boy would. With the Kinect you can scan a book against the system, and Milo will read it back to you. I am not sure when Milo will be available for purchase, but I am looking forward to seeing all that he is capable of doing.

Mary Fatigato

Monday, January 24, 2011

Andy Goldsworthy

This artist mainly uses materials from the environment to create his sculptures. He sees nature in its simplest form (leaves, twigs, petals, berries, rocks, sand, snow, ice....) and organizes them into something extravagant. I think it is a great way to remind us all of the beautiful things nature provides that we take for granted.

Dori Rivera


These guys provide a variety of interesting videos including cool tricks, simple pranks, and awesome science experiments. Their older videos are mostly "how to-" videos on simple tricks you can do to improve everyday life. Most of the newer videos are in a series called "Scientific Tuesdays" which showcases easy science tricks done with household products.

--Alex Gord

Kevin Smith Is My Hero

this is a really cool article where kevin smith declares his distaste for the film making industry and announces that he will be distributing his new horror flick "Red State" on his own, which is pretty incredible. this is a really interesting article for anybody who wants to get into independent film making. this is potentially a really really big deal

Sean Paulish

Quick Tip: How to Start a YouTube Video Anywhere

This is how to post a YouTube link which starts partway through the video. Add the following characters to the end of it's URL: #t=00m00s. From here fill in the zeros with the actual minute and second mark you want the video to start at.

Ashley Mitchell

Resevoir Dogs

This film is among one of the most shocking by Quintin Terrentino and is also quite intense. I like the level of shock value in the end, the plot and skill of the actors. This is to give you a taste of what to expect when viewing this film.

In Defense Of Jay Cutler

Anyone who wants to call Jay Cutler a wimp, a softy, a quitter or a jerk, did you know he was sacked 52 times this year, including 9 in one game vs the ny giants? That's 12 more than any other qb in the nfl. And he only missed one start due to a concussion that was the result of GETTING SACKED 9 TIMES IN ONE GAME!!! there were only 12 qbs in the whole nfl who played in all 16 games. jay took more punishment than all of them and only missed one! He tore his mcl in the nfc championship game vs green bay. he got hurt and we lost. yeah it sucks but deal with it. this guy took a hell of a beating all year with a grain of salt and never complained about it once! people need to chill out.

Sean Paulish

Burning Jay Cutler's Jersey

Really? Is this what we've come to? Are we really blaming Jay Cutler for this loss? Yes, he's a softy and Hanee probably should have started, but come on's a team game. We can't blame one person. If anything, the coaches screwed this game up by calling bad plays late in the game.

Chris Johnson

Injuried Bear blues.

I am dissapointed about Cutler so much that i thought he was just being a little to simple about this game. Now that he is injuried, I think Caleb Hanee could have carried us to the Super Bowl. I am surprised that we just didn't give up though, but the way things went, really played with the fans emotions.

I believe Bulletstorm is going to tank

This game looks, in my opinion, just awful. The whole game seems to be centered around just "cool" ways to kill enemies and completely avoids the actual story of the game. The fact that they keep pushing "cool" weapons and "awesome" kill shots down your throat proves they have nothing else to offer you in the game.

_Joe Tegeler

Boostability Increase the Search ability for your Website

I just found out about this today so I haven't had much time to look into it, but this site enhances the search ability of your website through Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Search ability is everything for your website because it is what can dramatically increase traffic for your website. The more people that look at your website the more business you get, its that simple.

_Joe Tegeler

Trailer Park Boys

This is the Canadian reality TV show; Trailer Park Boys. The camera work and interview breakaway shots are designed to make this scripted work look like reality. This clip contains cursing.

Enter the Void

This movie directed by Gaspar Noe comes out tomorrow. It looks like a great movie, completely unorthodox from movie making and directing traditional standards. This trailer definitely makes you want to find out more about the film. Part of the trailers for this movie seem like a video game, full of bright lights and seemingly unconnected transitions. A winner of The Sun-dance Film festival and other awards, it looks like a movie that will be under-appreciated in the short term but will hold high regards in the long term.

Chris Johnson

Trailer Park Boys

Passive Agressive Letter to the Smiley Face

Few things are more entertaining to me than reading a passive agressive note, let alone, a letter directed towards the smiley face. Specifically, the smiley face following a cruel statement. Follow the link to read this hilarious letter.

Ashley Mitchell

Web Designer Wall

A very informative and well designed site composed of tutorials and trends in the web design world. Definitely geared towards those in the professional field and not those dabbling in web design (I didn't even understand most of it). Downside is it is not updated often.

- Elisa Greco

43 Web Design Mistakes You Should Avoid

This is a great website because it gives a lot of tips on what not to do. The author brainstormed all the mistakes he could think of because he was tired of the worst ten lists. The list is easy to read and each tip has a brief explanation.

Sandy Fox

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Toy Story 3 - Best Picture?

Toy Story 3 does have potential to win the Oscar for Best Picture, but this article states that it wont win. I disagree, although it may not win, it does deserve great appreciation. I really enjoyed the movie and I beleive Pixar created their best work ever.

Sanctum 3D

Seeing the trailer for Sanctum 3D by James Cameron before Saw 3D made me excited to see a movie that uses 3D to show confined spaces. It almost gave off a claustrophobic vibe as well. Too bad i hate James Cameron, but I will be seeing thins in IMAX 3D.

Help and Hints on where to shop for DSLR Gear

The other day while on Amazon, like usual I was looking through all of the filming gear that I want and cannot afford. Then a friend of mine told me to check out a website called and I did. This website has a lot to offer and its at a pretty affordable price, so it is worth checking out.

Chris Mugavero

Chicago Fun or Fun Flicks

Chicago Fun is a good site if you are looking for an inflatable movie screen outside that is 25, 30, or 40 feet tall. Another web site that I found that has inflatable movie screens would be Fun flicks. This site had a little bit more information available. The portable screen would be good for parties of all kinds, back yard fun, video game tournaments, school events, and corporate events.

Mary Fatigato

Web Pages that suck

Web Pages that suck breaks down bad websites in multiple categories. Some such examples are just bad websites overall, others include, user interface/navigation and contenders for worst websites. But these sights aren't just here for us to laugh at bad design, they are also up to learn from bad design and help us avoid mistakes.

Matt S


Wikipedia, the website for information on almost everything. Although wikipedia takes a lot of flak for allowing anybody to edit any article, they do say that some information need sources or a reference, allowing people to carefully read and believe certain information. Wikipedia should not be used for book reports or English papers though.

Matt S


Are you an achievement fanatic and cant get enough of that gamer score. Well then go sign up for TrueAchievments they keep track of all your achievements in a very manageable way. Also they have guides and tips for those certain achievements you may need help with.

Matthew Ruby


Need a quick gaming refresher course or an up to date resource for all that gaming news. Then GiantBomb is easily one of the best. Up to date news as well as simplistic and information heavy articles what more could you ask for for, oh yeah quick looks.

Matthew Ruby

The Irishman

I saw this on a facebook post and had to check out the imdb page myself to see if this was true. It is true, Martin Scorsese is directing another crime drama titled "The Irishman"; this movie has an all-star cast which includes Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Joe Pesci. This is one of those pinch me if I'm dreaming moments, so I can't wait to see what Scorsese has in store for the world in his next crime drama.

_Dan Dziurgot

Black Swan

Black swan follows a dedicated ballet dancer (Natalie Portman) as she prepares for the biggest moment of her life; an opportunity to win the Swan Queen spot in this year's Swan Lake performance. The camera work on this movie is rough and makes you feel like your going through the same things that Portman's character is going through. Without revealing too many details, I just have to say that this movie is more than a ballet movie and is worth checking out.

_Dan Dziurgot

A great site for Scripts

We struck gold, an almost unending supply of scripts (both indie and hollywood). Check this out. I found one of the best horror films in a while. Its called frozen but theres many more on this site.

Nicholas Bennett

Totally Rad 20 Questions

This is a most amazing question answer USA game. It make smile face and friends like you for it. Go Croatia!!!! OMG! RUGRATS IS ON!!!

Nicholas Bennett

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sony Vegas Pro

This video gives you information about the editing software from Sony called Vegas. I would love to try it because I've only had the chance to use Final Cut Pro so far. I've seen work done with Vegas by a fellow student who said it was easy to use, and I was quite impressed with his videos.

-Cassy Crow

Online help

Ever since I was introduced to this website,I have used it to help me with some of the questions that I had while doing my projects. The website is knowledgeable and very pratical,many video and animaters alike can both use. These tutorials can help from basic animation and video effects to more intensive effects and animations.

New Campus to Open

I was so excited when I heard about this. I was also very upset when i found out it was further away than I am now. I really wanted a school closer so I did not have to drive so far everyday but at least other students wont have to drive so far anymore.
Jen Fowler

1001 free text fonts

I love this site it's free and they are easy to download. This is the first free font site I ever found and i use it all the time. There all alot of different catagories too so fonts are easy to find.
Jen Fowler

Friday, January 21, 2011

Great Art Website

I love this site because there is such a variety of artwork to check out. You have digital art, photography,film &animation,fractal art, and more. It's easy to create an account, put your work on the site and get feedback from other artists and designers.

-Cassy Crow

Cheat Sheets

This is a website dedicated to finding and posting reference sheets. Topics range from design theory, to skills, software shortcuts, and programming references. They also provide some wonderful and fun infographics and posters.

Ashley Mitchell

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


While sitting in the theatre waiting for Tron: Legacy to begin, I got to see the new trailer for Thor. This trailer made my week. Honestly, one of the most exciting things to happen to me this year.

A New Spidey For A New Decade

Most of us have heard about the new Spiderman film, with a new director and cast. This film will be released July 3, 2012, with Andrew Garfield playing the title role. Here is the first photo of the new Spiderman.

Blog.Spoon Graphics

This is a great site I came across while looking for typography pictures. What I like about this website is its tutorials include photoshop, illustrator and the wacom tablet. It also has some great articles and some cool freebies.

Sandy Fox

George Lucas: Super crazy, or super genius? You decide!

First Ewoks, then the prequels, and now this? George Lucas is fairly certain the world is going to end in 2012. Further proof that the man proceeded to let his marbles roll into oncoming traffic a loooooooong time ago...

Sean Paulish

The Dark Knight Rises

pretty exciting news coming out of Warner bros. today as they announced Tom Hardy will be playing the villain Bane and Anne Hathaway will be playing Selina Kyle (catwoman) in the next batman flick. In Nolan we trust!!!

Sean Paulish

Illinois Film Office

The Illinois Film Office is a great site for someone that is looking to get involved in the filming industry. This site will let you know about Illinois Filming, Film services tax credit, Filming in Illinois, locations, Media, diversity, cast & crew, economic development of the Illinois, and a Production guide. The production guide is good for someone to submit their personal information for possible hire of a company, or person. You will find thoughts of industry with in this indurstry just on this one link.

Mary Fatigato


Looking for tutorials on Flash, HTML, or other design programs? has some really useful tutorials outlined with simple step by step details including screen shots to show how. I haven't gotten around to using it yet but it's inspiring me to start something in order to try it.

- Elisa Greco

Achievement Hunter

This site should be your first stop for anything achievement/trophy related in video games. It has guides, tutorials, and tricks to help you earn every last achievement. I also highly recommend their Achievement Hunter Weekly Update (AHWU) videos, which come out every Monday and discuss recent gaming news and any new releases of the week.

--Alex Gord

Creative Cow Tutorials

This website is very good for tutorials on many programs. Anything you want to learn on Photoshop, Flash, or almost any program is at your fingertips. You just need to know what you are looking for.

_Joe Tegeler

Brink True FPS

Brink is a first person shooter coming out this year. This game shows a lot of promise and I personally believe that it will be the new standard in first person shooters. When I have the money I am definitely going to purchase this game.

_Joe Tegeler

Battle: Los Angeles

This movie trailer is one of the best movie trailers I have ever seen. It pulls you in. I just hope the movie lives up to this trailer.

What Web Designers Should Know

I was looking for some tips of basic web design and I came across this site which lists basic rules that a web designer should know. It lists the reality of users really do when they look at a website which helps you to work around those elements to make a great website. It also lists things that you should and shouldn't do when designing a website that you may have not considered.

Tiffany Leon

Creative 404 Error Pages

I'm sure we have all at least once tried to get on a website but all that comes up is that awful blank 404 Error page. I came across this sight which shows 35 creative 404 Error pages that other sites have created. It's a great place to find some inspiration to create your own 404 Error page.

Tiffany Leon

The Adjustment Bureau

This movie looks like it will be brilliant. I just love movies that tie action with a love story and then throw in some suspense. Plus it stars Matt Damon and Emily Blunt, who are just so fantastic.

Texting While Walking

This video makes the case for why some people should not be texting while.....walking.

Chris Johnson

Ikea Heights

Ikea Heights is a seven webisode series put together by a group of comedians in Burbank, California. It was shot entirely undercover inside the Ikea store during normal operating hours. I find this really amazing cause this group of individuals used what they had and went with it. Meaning they only had a camera and some wireless mic's. What tuned out was an completely successful rendition of a comedic melo-drama.

Check it out!
Nicholas Bennett

Health Reform More Popular

This article details how the popularity of President Obama's health care overall has gained steam over the past few months. I remember when it was first being talked about back in early 2009. The poll numbers were in the mid 60's. Because of months and months of obstruction, delay, and debate, the sausage making process of creating legislation hardened the opinion of health reform. Now that the bill is actually a bill, and the benefits are starting to kick in, it is becoming more popular by the month. It will be interesting to see how Republicans will continue to try to repeal this law that is apparently helping people more and more each day.

Chris Johnson

Steel wool Photography

Sometimes when we see some images that look to good to be real, we give credit to photoshop. But when you burn steel wool and take a picture with a long shutter speed, it will look like some of theses pictures. I'm not entirely sure that the last photo was photoshoped or not. (The circling confuses me though.)

Zach Zitkus

Star Bucks has a bigger size coming out

Star Bucks is now coming out with a new size called 'Tetra'. It Will be able to hold 31 fluiz ounces. It will be in shops by May 3rd.

Zach Zitkus

Box Office

The Green Hornet took #1 in the box office this past weekend. Kicking Tron: Legacy out of its IMAX 3D spotlight, the 2D to 3D converted film may not deserve the IMAX 3D treatment which is usually saved for films shot in 3D. Critics and audiences cleary enjoy the film, but The Green Hornet is one I wont pay extra for IMAX 3D. Did anyone see the movie this weekend?

-Austin S

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Dieline

A great useful website for package design, shows tons of wonderful packaging from the smaller companies to larger company redesigns. Perfect for inspiration and to see what's big in the design world, is frequently updated and is a great place to look for design related jobs. The site also posts some great vintage designs as well.

-Elisa Greco

New York City Timelapse

This is a fantastic timelapse video shot in New York City. The compilation of shots here is amazing. I recommend watching it in HD on fullscreen.

Ashley Mitchell

The Facebook Audience "The Demographics"

I know that I use the Facebook reference in class a lot. Here is an infographic about the demographics of Facebook users, are you part of it?


Text Effects in Illustrator

Text effects are always fun to look at but is it just inspiration or something functional that you could use in a project? Your call, take a look.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Typographic Movie Scenes

These videos are absolutely fantastic. Follow the link to OneExtraPixel and watch some amazing Typographic videos made using audio clips from popular movies.

Ashley Mitchell

Responsive Web Design

What is it? Should you do it? Follow the link to learn about it.

Ashley Mitchell

Free stock photos

This is a great website to use for free stock photos. I have used them numerous times in print and for video presentations. They also have some great tutorials.

Sandy Fox

Sunday, January 16, 2011

HTML Goodies

Ever need help designing a web page? Well this not only applies to web designers, but anyone looking to learn source code for HTML, along with other tutorials for javascript, adding working buttons, and it is all for free! You could run straight down the sidebar on the left and get tutorials in pretty much everything, and if you are looking for something particular you can use the search function on the right side of the main page.

Matt S

Great Web Design Tools

I came across this website that has a mix of everything you can use for your website. It contains fonts, generators, inspiration, stock photos, tutorials and ideas from other designers. It is a great place to learn from others and to gather resources.

Tiffany Leon

Text Art

This site will take any picture you have and transform it into text art. This is remarkable due to how well it can remake a photo out of text and still retain the image. Ever wanted a wallpaper made only out of text well heres your chance.

Matthew Ruby

Font can truly send a message

Looking for a special font, a font you may not even know existed perhaps? Dafont is a site containing any font you can even possibly imagine. Don't believe me then go look for yourself and then tell me you cant find that specific font.

Matthew Ruby

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

This is the fourth installment to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise titled "On Stranger Tides".  This movie follows Jack Sparrow on his next adventure to find the fountain of youth.  This movie has most of the original cast in it (except for Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan) along with a few new faces, so I'm excited to see what kind of trouble Jack Sparrow gets into this time around.

_Dan Dziurgot

Fast Five

This is the fifth installment to the fast and furious franchise titled "Fast Five".  One thing that is going to make this movie successful is that they have the majority of the original cast from all the movies grouped together for this one.  I enjoyed the last movie and it looks like "Fast Five" is taking place right after that one, so well see how it does when it comes out on 4/29/11.

_Dan Dziurgot 

Uncle Boombee who can recall his past lives

This film won the Cannes palme d'Or for 2010. Although the trailor doesnt really explain what it really is about and I haven't seen it myself I felt that you should check it out. After all anything that win's Cannes in my opinion is certified gold.

Nicholas Bennett

Friday, January 14, 2011

Web Design

This is a great website not only for web designers, but anyone in design. It has tutorials in photoshop and graphics, both raster and vector, flash and swish as well as 3D graphic. It even has a free section to get design accessories, sounds, flash elements and 3D objects.

Sandy Fox

Font Comparer

Need help finding a font for your website? Check out Font Comparer. Type in some content and, on one page, see the generated fonts in Typekit and Google Fonts Directory.

Ashley Mitchell


Desktopography invites impressive designers to inspire. Every year a selection of the best submissions are posted to the site. Follow the link and find a new inspiring desktop background.

Ashley Mitchell

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What the Font?

Probably one of the most useful sites I've used when doing graphic design work, is simple to use. Just upload a photo of the font you want to identify and the website gives you a correct answer more times than not. It's a lot easier than staring at unknown font for hours and trying to dissect it through characteristics; if you're a graphic designer you need to try this!

- Elisa Greco

Filming can come cheap

Many people think that all video equipment is very expensive and only the pros can afford that equipment. I too had this mentality until I started to build and make my own filming equipment. There are many resources on the Internet that will provide instructions and sometimes even videos to help you along.

Chris Mugavero

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

a brief history of conspicuous product placement

here's a neat video documenting the history of product placement. did you know it goes all the way back to 1919? neither did i.

Sean Paulish

Polaroid is back?

Yes, Polaroid is back with new technology to get back in the game with their new spokesperson Lady GaGa. They now created sunglasses that take pictures and a bluetooth printer that can print anywhere. Can these new products get them back in the game?

_Joe Tegeler

Top Mistakes to avoid when designing a website

Some of the things on this website I personally did not know and at first I disagreed with, but once I read their explanation it does make sense on why you would not want to do these things. Some of these also have to do with what we learned in class about knowing your audience. This is definately a check list I would go over before launching a new website.

Jen Fowler

Sleek Design for a Sleek Product

Misa created a very nice website for their product the Kitara digital guitar. The sleekness and simplicity of their product and website goes together very well. Their website is simple, straight to the point, and very usable.

(here is a link to the videos)

_Joe Tegeler

is blu-ray an inferior format to dvd?

i don't think i have ever heard anybody badmouth blu-ray before so i found this little article to be kind of neat. i also have a billion DVDs collecting dust at home, so its nice to see that somebody still cares. Also, the website i got this from,, is great for all kinds of movie news so if you are into that kind of thing you should check it out.

Sean Paulish

Another SyFy promo

Here is another promo by Syfy that they did this last summer. I just really love how creative these commercials are. I absolutely love the legos coming to life and turning into people dancing. These promos are such a neat way to portray their message of imagine greater.

Nicole Mason

Another Monster movie

This movie, Monsters, was introduced to me by my film teacher. It's about a shuttle that gathered evidence about other alien life from another planet, and that shuttle crash landed over Mexico. I find it awesome to know that only one person made the movie!

The link below is the information about the movies cast and budget.

Zach Zitkus

DVD Active

dvdactive is the go-to site on the Internet for information on DVDs. Every time a DVD release is announced, the site is updated with information on special features, special edition or unrated versions, box art, and reviews. It is also a great resource for finding older movies on DVD, for figuring out if that new 3-disc edition of a movie is any better than the 2-disc set you just bought, or for finding out the very best version of the movie you're looking for.

Cara Ferguson

10 Android Apps Every Web Designer Should Know About

I was searching for a free photoshop App for Android (that I know I saw in the market place last night) and I came across this site. With this site I found the photoshop app I was looking for and a many other apps that are helpful. This site is good for anyone interested in having their own website and needs some helpful hints and tools at the convenience of their phone.

Jen Fowler


This SyFy promo/commercial is one of the best ones I have ever seen. I would probably say it is my favorite one. They did this a few years ago when the were trying to reinvent the channel.

Nicole Mason


For my first post, I decided to go with TeeFury. A largely picture based website, it also showcases artists designs for t-shirts and gives information about the artist on the sidebar. The prices and quickness of buying a limited edition t-shirt is also very quick and cheap, at $11 including shipping, definitely a recommended website.

Matt S

Lost & Taken Textures

This is a good website if you are looking for textures for a design. I like it because there are a ton of free high resolution textures you can use for your projects. Some other texture websites require you to download a zip file with many different textures from a category, but this site allows you to simply choose one file at a time. You can also search for the files if you are looking for something specific like stained paper, grunge, tape etc.

Dori Rivera

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Vincent Cassel

For my first post I thought I would share an actor I admire and I suggest you check out. Vincent Cassel is a french actor who has, in my opinion the ability to become a completely different person and generate an emotional response out of every viewer who witnesses his superior abilities. I know I may sound like a mega fan but see for yourself. Vincent Cassel's best movies are "La Haine" and "Irreversible."
Now whomever reads this I ask you to pick from the two and post a review as I will do the same next post.

Nicholas OUT!

The Internet Movie Database

Here is a website that I have found to be helpful in finding out upcoming information about the movie industry. The website is called The Internet Movie Database. On this site you are able to view movies, TV, News, video, watch trailers, and you can see the year a movie was produced, who stared in it, and much more information is available.
Once you are on the website in the search enter my husbands name Anthony Joseph Fatigato, and you can view all of the movies he has worked on in the past. If you scroll down near the bottom of his page you will see a STARmeter. He is up 4% is week. This is interesting to see other STARmeter's go up or down depending on what is talked about in the media.

Mary Fatigato

Chicago Studio City

Here is great website to look at if you like movies. Chicago Studio City in Chicago Illinois. This studio is owned by my husbands uncle for many years. Governor Blagojevich signed a tax incentive of 30% back in December of 2009. This incentive started in January of 2009, and has helped in the production of movies once again in the Chicagoland area. Chicago Studio started production movies in the 1970's.

Mary Fatigato

Filmmaking resource

I found this website to be interesting because they cover many different roles of making a film. It gives you ideas on things such as screenwriting, directing, producing, editing and even acting. I also like the fact that it won't bore you to death since it's very much straight to the point, and overall is a creative and helpful site.

-Cassy Crow

New firmware for DSLR camera

For those of you that have or enjoy filming using a DSLR camera, I have good news! There is new firmware out there for that DSLR camera that will transform it into a professional grade camera. It allow the user to gain more functionality and allows the user to set rack focus mechanically in camera.

Chris Mugavero

Wood Type Impressions Gallery

Today's design work is almost exclusively done digitally and while the computer has made the work a little easier for the designer, it doesn't always satisfy the ability of what the designer can do. meshes digital age typography with old school wooden movable type by creating images that can be used in design programs and replicates the natural texture and characteristics of letterpress with the easiness of using a computer. also showcases a gallery of work artists have contributed using this digital wood type.

- Elisa Greco

Monday, January 10, 2011

American Society of Media Photographers

The American Society of Media Photographers is a great website if you are a photographer, you need a photographer or you use photos in your work. It covers legal issues as a photographer such as copyright and release forms as well as business forms that can apply to any type of business. They also have articles on how to work with an assignment photographer as well as using royal free stock photos verses managed stock photos.

Sandy Fox


This website is extremely helpful for those who are looking for character plots, scenarios, themes, and all of your favorite "cliche" topics for television and movie writing. For example, a common "comedy trope" is the Accidental Hug. This occurs when two characters find themselves hugging each other out of relief or passion, only to realize how awkward it is as one pulls away from the other. This is often followed by an act of "macho-ness" in an attempt to absolve one another from the intimacy that just took place.

Chris Johnson

Fire Fight

This clip is from the movie Heat which came out in 1995. This has to be one of the greatest shooting scenes of all time. The reason I love this particular scene is because it is loud, the bullets are huge, and it is a long scene that holds your attention until the very last shot. It gets the point across without being overly bloody. What also makes is so compelling is the lack of music throughout the whole scene. It intensifies the drama and pulls you deeper into the action.

Chris Johnson


This site has many tutorials involved with web site design. I use this site frequently when I am creating my own websites. It is helpful for when you run into problems with your code, you don't understand how to do something, or just quickly want to be reminded of an html/css code. It is an organized, professional website with tutorials that are easy to understand and navigate.

Dori Rivera

Polaroid + Lady Gaga

Polaroid is going with Lady Gaga to bring back their business. I have seen models of printers that you can fit in your pocket! I heard a friend say that you can also send picture through your smart-phone to print the pictures.

Zach Zitkus

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Are all of you ready for class?

Welcome class, this will be part of your quarter long assignment, to post to this blog twice, yes twice a week.  The end of our week is Sunday Midnight.  So you have the whole week to find an interesting topic (topic must be web based) that is related to your major.

Each post will contain the following:

A brief summary of the site or a summary of a particular article in the site. The summary will be to the point and be grammatically correct, yes that means you need to check your spelling also.

Summary length must be three sentences minimum in length to acquire the maximum points.

The link to the site must also be present with the post.

Your signature is also required to receive any points, no signature no points!

You will also have to participate with a fellow classmate or myself, once per week.